ARE 5.0 practice exams just like the real thing
ARE 5.0 practice exams with the rigor of NCARB
The Black Spectacles team creates all our practice exam questions using the same process, standards, and rigor that NCARB uses to make sure our practice exams actually prepare you for test day.
Our team of licensed architects, learning experts, and a psychometrician all get together to create exam sample questions that target NCARB objectives and prepare you for passing the ARE.
The Black Spectacles team studies materials released by NCARB to make sure that our questions are meeting their standards, aligned with their objectives, and are actually relevant to what the exam will cover.
The practice exam questions are then constantly reviewed and adjusted to make sure they’re up-to-date, accurate, and reflective of what NCARB will be testing you on.
Using our interactive test interface, we’re able to pull from anonymous results data to make sure our questions match the level of difficulty of the actual ARE.
More ARE practice questions for deeper understanding
Black Spectacles has three forms for each division, compared to just one from NCARB, and around 2,000 unique questions. All this means is you can take each form without repeating a question—creating a broader knowledge base for you and helping you avoid just memorizing the answers.
Explanations to help you learn, not just memorize
Each answer option, whether you got it right or wrong, has an in-depth explanation diving into the source material, so you can use every question as an opportunity to deepen your understanding of the material—not just to mark your answer correct or not.
Take a holistic learning approach
The Black Spectacles ARE 5.0 practice exams are an integral part of our learning ecosystem. They’re meant to work in tandem with our other ARE 5.0 study materials to give you the deepest understanding of the lessons and make the practice exams even more impactful. Use the practice exams in conjunction with the other study materials—like the video lectures, flashcards, and virtual workshops—to round out your knowledge in a holistic approach to learning.
Learn the ARE 5.0 exam interface early
Once you start Black Spectacles practice exams, the interface exactly matches the real ARE 5.0 exam, so you can get acclimated to the tools and study the material at the same time.
Utilize our Practice Exam Tools:
- Practice the whiteboard and calculator as you take the practice exam, so you don’t have to worry about figuring them out on exam day.
- Black Spectacles practice exams are timed, just like the real thing, so you can work on your pacing.
- You can mark questions for review at the end of the exam if you’re stuck, so you can keep moving and come back to any that need more thought.
Review your answers & deepen your knowledge
At the end of each practice exam, review all your answers—whether you got them right or wrong. Each answer option includes an explanation and a reference to source material, so you can use all the answers to fully understand the concept behind each question. Take advantage of the explanations for both correct and incorrect answers, and use them as a material resource as well as a tool to test your knowledge.
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