Learn the most important concepts with a Project Management mock exam so you pass PjM come exam day.
Project Management Mock Exam 2020
It’s Project Management study hour! In this episode of ARE Live we discuss PjM using a Black Spectacles Practice Exam. We’ll touch on some of the most important topics in the Project Management division of the ARE 5.0 using five practice questions modeled after the Black Spectacles Practice Exams. Led by ARE expert and architect Mike Newman, we’ll explore concepts related to resource management, project work planning, project execution, and project quality control. Get familiar and gain confidence with the concepts and principles that will be covered in the ARE 5.0 Project Management exam.
Find the mock exam in our ARE Community and follow along with step-by-step explanations from architect Mike Newman.
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Pro tip: We’re known to extend a Black Spectacles discount code to ARE Live listeners. Check out our most recent episode to find out how you can get a discount on Black Spectacles ARE test prep.