Ready to pass your next ARE exam? Well, they say practice makes perfect, so tune in for this Programming, Planning & Practice ARE Mock Exam with architect Mike Newman! Using ten practice questions modeled after Black Spectlaces Practice Exams, we’ll cover the most perplexing and difficult topics in this division of the ARE 4.0
To help you prepare for this ARE exam, we’ll explore issues related to the application of project development knowledge related to architectural programming; environmental, social, and economic issues; codes and regulations; and project and practice management. Architect Mike Newman will go into detail about billing hours, project delivery methods, and much more.
Ready to get licensed? Start studying with a Black Spectacles Membership today!

Since releasing this episode, NCARB had transitioned to the ARE 5.0. While this podcast episode still offers valuable knowledge to help you pass the ARE, we recommend checking out these newer ARE Live Mock Exam episodes:
+ PjM Mock Exam 2021
+ PPD Mock Exam 2021
+ PA Mock Exam 2021