Drop in as we discuss Construction Documents & Services with ARE expert and architect Mike Newman. Using an ARE mock exam that simulates our signature Black Spectacles Practice Exams, we’ll help prepare you for the most perplexing and difficult topics in this division of the ARE 4.0.
With these ten practice questions, we explore issues related to contracts & different business entities, construction processes, and how to calculate and set your fees. If you need some extra guidance on A201 or B101 documents, this is the episode for you. Architect Mike Newman’s in-depth explanations will help you feel comfortable demonstrating your understanding of codes, sustainability, and how to tackle the Section Vignette.
Ready to take your studying to the next level with Black Spectacles Practice Exams? Start studying with a Black Spectacles Membership today!

Since releasing this ARE Live, NCARB has transitioned to the ARE 5.0. While this podcast episode still offers valuable study content, we recommend checking out our more recent ARE Mock Exam episodes:
+ Construction & Evaluation Mock Exam
+ Project Development & Documentation Mock Exam
+ Programming & Analysis Mock Exam