Programming & Analysis Mock Exam 2019

Review a free Programming and Analysis mock exam with Mike Newman on ARE Live which will prepare you to pass the ARE.

Programming & Analysis Mock Exam 2019

Ready to knock Programming and Analysis (PA) out of the park and pass your next ARE exam? In this episode of ARE Live, architect Mike Newman joins us to help coach you to a win. Utilizing a mock exam inspired by Black Spectacles ARE Practice Exams, we’ll explore PA knowledge related to researching and evaluating client requirements, building code and zoning regulations, and site data. Architect Mike Newman will break down five practice questions to help prepare you for the ARE 5.0 Programming and Analysis exam.

Did you know that Black Spectacles ARE Practice Exams are the closest thing to the real-deal ARE tests? Sign up for a Black Spectacles Membership and start studying with our NCARB-approved test prep materials today!
Want more PA practice? We offer dozens of free practice quiz questions in our ARE Community.

Pro tip: We offer a Black Spectacles coupon code to ARE Live listeners each month. Check out our most recent episode to find out how you can get a discount on Black Spectacles ARE test prep!