ARE study materials for all kinds of learners
No matter how you learn best, Black Spectacles has NCARB-approved study material to help prepare for you for every division of the ARE® exam—all guaranteed to help you pass on the first try.

NCARB-Approved ARE 5.0 Study Materials
Black Spectacles is the first NCARB-approved online test prep provider for all six divisions of the ARE 5.0. We work hard to align our materials with what's actually on the exam, so you can feel confident going into your exam. Our versatile resources accommodate every learning style and are available for you build the study program that works best for you.

The Black Spectacles guided study process
The Guided Study Process is a daily study plan that shows you what to study each day based on your exam date.
Your study content is organized into daily, manageable study time, including breaks, that align with your exam date.
The Guided Study Process provides a learning-science-based plan that has the ideal ‘mix’ and ‘pacing’ of learning content.
You always have the choice to use either the Guided Study Process or Flexible Study Mode.
ARE 5.0 test prep videos
Tune into in-depth video lectures for each division. Licensed architect instructors walk you through different questions and concepts that'll show up on the exam, and give real-world examples for how to solve them. You can also view the transcript for each lecture to read along, and download the lecture slides to take notes and refer back to later.
Extensive video lecture series for each division
Downloadable lecture slides to follow along
Quiz breaks throughout to test your knowledge
On-demand videos can be viewed any time, any place

ARE 5.0 practice exams that get you as close as possible to the real thing
Our practice exams are designed to replicate the real thing, so come test day you'll know exactly what to expect.
Take practice exams to check your understanding and practice timing, pacing, and case study strategy for test day. Use the answer explanations (which cite the references approved by the ARE Handbook for each exam) to further understand the concept behind each topic. The exam summary gives you more information on which objectives you should go back and study more.
4 forms for each of the 6 divisions so you get the most practice possible
Source material citations so you can go back and review the material
Answer explanations for correct and incorrect answers, so you know exactly where you need to focus more and where you're already ready
ARE 5.0 flashcards to master key terms and ideas
If you learn best by repetition, digital flashcards are for you. Learn key terms and vocabulary, all hand-picked to tackle a concept on the exam. Choose from our expertly-curated library of existing cards, or create your own to help focus on concepts you need to spend more time with. Review, shuffle, and mark your cards as mastered anywhere you have internet.
Hundreds of cards for each of the 6 divisions
Accessible from your mobile device for on-the-go review, so you can study when it's convenient for you
Create custom flashcards for areas you want to focus more time on
Track your progress by marking cards "mastered" so you can see where you excel and where you need to spend more time

Time for a quiz break
Throughout the video lecture series, you'll see short quiz breaks to help you review and retain what you just learned. Use the quizzes to check your progress and knowledge at shorter intervals, and to go back and review any topics before moving on to the practice exams—or the real one.
Multiple quizzes for each division to give you the most practice possible
Track your scores to see your progress
Get a score report with correct answers and explanations, so you can use it as a tool to go back and review
Source material citations for further review
Take a hands-on approach
Sometimes studying on your own can feel isolating and confusing. That's why we created virtual workshops—to give you the opportunity to work through difficult problems live, with the support of your peers and a licensed architect.
Weekly live video workshops for each division, so there's always a workshop no matter what you're studying
Submit your questions to be answered live during each session so you can get personalized support
Join breakout rooms to work through problems together in real-time with your peers and licensed architects
Connect with other candidates at the same stage as you to get support, advice, and guidance

Apply your knowledge to the real world
Practical application and scenario videos take you into the minds and firms of world-class architects so you can see how the concepts you're learning might look during the course of a real project.
Learn from real-world experience of leaders in the field as they work on real projects
Gain a deeper understanding of concepts on the exam by seeing them in practice in the real world
Discover which focus areas you identify with most so you can choose a focus after getting licensed
Set a study schedule
Create a schedule for what to study when with our study guide. See your upcoming month laid our with our suggestions for how to pace our study material, and then adjust it if you need, so it works for you.
Get a suggested study schedule for each division
Uncover expert tips for how to approach the exam
Learn general study and self-care tips to prepare for the exam